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E - Reno Area Non-profit, Charitable, Volunteer Organizations

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Library Booksale

library,Washoe,County,booksale,book,sale,Reno,Nevada,NV Get great bargains and support your Washoe County Library.

Washoe County Schools Spring Break

Spring break, Washoe County School District, Reno, Nevada, NV Camps and activities during Washoe County Schools spring break.

Reno Area Webcams

webcams,Reno,highways,conditions,Nevada,NV Webcams provide a look at traffic, highway conditions, and weather.
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Non-profit organizations are sorted by name. Click on the alphabetical listing below to see organizations with names beginning with that letter.

If you would like to submit an organization for our directory, use the email form at "Contact"


Electric Auto Association of Northern Nevada
Mission is to inform and educate the public and leaders about the many benefits derived from the use of electric drive vehicles.
P.O. Box 19177, Reno, NV 89511
Information: 775-853-4057

Dedicated to developing and scaling dynamic K-12 education, job training, leadership academy, and community outreach programs centered around green industries and green energy.
190 E. Liberty Street, Reno, NV 89503
Information: 775-229-8488

ESL In-Home Program of Northern Nevada
Tutors to assist adult learners become more informed and self-reliant by learning to speak, read, write, and understand English.
1894 E. William Street #4-125, Carson City, NV 89701
Information: 775-888-2021

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